At the start of the 2021 Ravinia season, the Steans Music Institute was proud to welcome Steve Wilson as the third co-director of the Program for Jazz. Wilson, a saxophonist and composer, has long been active in New York’s jazz scene—playing, teaching, and recording, both with his own ensembles and with such stalwarts as Christian McBride, Maria Schneider, and Chick Corea. He first joined the Ravinia Steans Music Institute faculty in 2019, and he helped RSMI pivot to an online model in the pandemic summer of 2020. With Wilson alongside Rufus Reid and Billy Childs as co-program directors of the jazz program, the team represents one of the strongest jazz leadership models in summer music programs today.
During 2021’s return to live mentorship and performance, Ravinia had an opportunity to sit down with Wilson and get to know him better. Read on to learn more about RSMI’s newest program director, or watch his interview here.
What’s your experience been like at Steans so far?
This has been the most amazing experience, one of the most amazing experiences of my professional career. As a dedicated educator for a number of years now … this [program] is really one of a kind. It’s really not a school kind of atmosphere, it’s more of an artist colony where the young composers and artists can nurture … their creativity. It’s just an amazing thing that’s happened, and I’m very glad to be a part of this.
How did you come to be involved with RSMI?
I was invited by Rufus Reid, who, of course, has been with the program for many years. Rufus and I go back a number of years—actually, my first teaching job in New York City was because of Rufus. He hired me to teach at William Paterson University in New Jersey. So a few years ago he asked me to become a part of this program. Little did I know then how special this was, and I’m very happy he asked me to do it.
What was it like working with this particular group of fellows (the class of 2021)?
This group of fellows is very special. We’ve seen such great comradery, a great chemistry that was immediate. Everyone gets along, there are no egos, they’re encouraging each other, they laugh together, they work together. And just to see them support each other in helping their creations come to fruition, it’s just been a joy. Every day has been elevating to another level of performance and creativity. My only regret is to see this week come to an end. But I’ve asked them all for comp tickets to their future concerts! We’re going to be seeing and hearing a lot from this group.
Have you had time to get to know the musicians outside of the practice room?
RSMI 2021 Jazz Program participants and faculty
Yes! I’ve had some really great quality hang time with most of the fellows. We’ve talked about things other than music—sports, world affairs, where they come from; just to get to know them as people. They’re all marvelous. They’re brilliant, they’re just brilliant. I can’t wait to see what they all become 5, 10, 15, 20 years from now.